Recommendations Personal vs Statistical
In today’s world, every customer is faced with multiple choices. For example, If I’m looking for a book to read without any specific idea of what I want, there’s a wide range of possibilities how my search might pan out. I might waste a lot of time browsing around on the internet and trawling through various sites hoping to strike gold. I might look for recommendations from other people.
But if there was a site or app which could recommend me books based on what I have read previously, that would be a massive help. Instead of wasting time on various sites, I could just log in and voila! 10 recommended books tailored to my taste.
A recommendation engine filters the data using different algorithms and recommends the most relevant items to users. It first captures the past behavior of a customer and based on that, recommends products which the users might be likely to buy.
The content-based filtering algorithm finds the cosine of the angle between the profile vector and item vector, i.e. cosine similarity. Suppose A is the profile vector and B is the item vector, then the similarity between them can then be calculated. Based on the cosine value, which ranges between -1 to 1, the movies are arranged in descending order and one of the two approaches is used for recommendations Top-n approach or Rating scale approach.
The User-User collaborative filtering algorithm first finds the similarity score between users. Based on this similarity score, it then picks out the most similar users and recommends products which these similar users have liked or bought previously. In terms of our movies example from earlier, this algorithm finds the similarity between each user based on the ratings they have previously given to different movies. The prediction of an item for a user u is calculated by computing the weighted sum of the user ratings given by other users to an item i.
Thanks for this. Have you considered reviewing other recommendation engines and types (blended, clustering, grouped etc)
Tim Shendal
February 28, 2020 at 8:49 am
Who do you currently use for your recommendations? Have you written your own algorithim or are you exporting this work to an external company?
Patrick White
March 2, 2020 at 10:26 pm
Interesting article, I wasn't aware of the performance benefit of statistical recommendations that you gain over personalised ones.
James Gunthary
February 26, 2020 at 3:12 pm